When it comes time to invest in a fan for your home, it’s important to ask yourself, “What type of ceiling fan is right for me?” Find the fan that’s right for you with our ceiling fan guide.
Wondering what size fan you need for that special room in your home? Use this guide to see what sizes work well in all the rooms of your home!
Your bedroom is your sanctuary; it's where you sleep, relax, and rejuvenate. You take the time to research and invest in things like your mattress, pillows, and anything else needed to ensure it's the coziest and comfiest space in your house. Choosing ceiling fans for bedrooms should be no different.
Ceiling fans are an efficient way to increase the comfort of any room while complementing your space. While increased comfort is a key benefit ceiling fans offer, they also can reduce your electricity use and energy bill.
The amount of electricity your ceiling fan uses depends on what speed and how often you use it, along with a few additional factors. Read on to learn how much electricity a ceiling fan uses and how a ceiling fan can help you save.
How you decorate your home expresses your own unique style. Ceiling fans come in a huge variety to complement just about any decor style. If you are a fan of clean lines, warm wood tones, and raw materials, industrial style is for you. Industrial style ceiling fans are a bold option perfect for adding dimension to contemporary homes and commercial spaces.